
Posts Tagged ‘jadrolijina’

Instead of risking our lives with the bus drivers who may or may not deal in the illegal drug trade, we opted for the slower ferry ride.  First, we were planning to just go to Split img_3686and then take the train from there, but we wouldn’t have gotten to Ljubljana, Slovenia until very late.  So instead we took the ferry all the way to Rijeka which got us there at 7a.m. the next day, which also meant that we got to spend the night on a boat.  (We pretended like it was a nice cruise going through the Carribean, but the similarities were not very strong.)  We were hoping that we would be able to relax on the deck while it was sunny and read for the majority of the day; however, the cold winds on the back of the boat put the kibosh on that idea.  It was a very nice relaxing day though.  Much needed really after so much traveling.  We took a nap, read our books, ate some bad food (bad spaghetti, stale bread, bad ravioli, and burnt pancakes even though he offered us pound cake) in the restaurant, and washed our hair in the sink. 


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